By: Vishwam Jindal, V year B.A. LL.B. Student of National Law University Delhi.
Developments have brought paradigm shifts in almost every walk of life from political to economic to social to cultural. Paradigm shifts have in turn posed major challenges and provided greater opportunities not only to economic players but to professionals as well. Globalisation has increased professional workforce in India and this hold true for legal profession as well. A lawyer’s work is no longer limited to filing suits or preparing documents or passing judgments. This has posed a serious question on our legal education system and whether this system can compete with global standards.   

However, these developments no doubt bring greater challenges but are also accompanied by new emerging opportunities for law, legal profession and legal education as law cuts across all walks of life, be it political, economic or cultural aspect of each society and equally that of global community. To meet these challenges law requires not only new kind of normative legal regimes responding to these challenges and opportunities but also a legal profession 
equipped with knowledge information and skills which can draw advantages for society including examining and if convinced by if convinced by bringing a synergy between global and national perspectives. No doubt it is easy said difficult done, because questions of growth vs. development, science vs. morality, rising poverty in certain sectors vs. rising affluence and so on are the questions that have emerged and to respond to these questions requires newer kinds of skills and larger pool of knowledge, it also calls for an approach that is built upon compassion, fairness and emotions. Infact it should be our objective how to make legal education reflective and responsive to these challenges and opportunities.